Can-Technologies Crane Digitalization & Operator Safety (Crane CDOS)
Overhead cranes play a crucial role in many industrial operations, such as manufacturing. They are used to lift, move, and transport heavy materials and equipment, making them a vital part of operation.
Can-Technologies Crane Digitalization & Operator Safety (Crane CDOS)
Overhead cranes play a crucial role in many industrial operations, such as manufacturing. They are used to lift, move, and transport heavy materials and equipment, making them a vital part of operation.
Operational Challenges
Majority of overhead cranes have the following operational Challenges:
Lack of transparency for safety measures
- Possibility to run an unsafe crane
- Limited archives and audit trails for crane operation (pre-start checklist, operational failures, near miss situations, faults, repairs, etc.)
Lack of maintenance diagnostic
- Lack of remote feedback from the electrical system
- Lack of remote feedback from the RF System
- Lack of digitized inspection checklist
- Difficult to access for maintenance crew
- Timely and costly to localize root cause of problems
Lack of remote operational visibility
- Lack of visibility for supervisors prior to operational failure or security breach
- Lack of data for Runtime and Productivity
Safety Concerns
There are many safety concerns when loading, unloading, and moving heavy materials. Crane accidents, including fatalities and serious injuries will occur if cranes are not inspected, maintained, and used properly.
- Operation of majority of overhead cranes exhibits severe risk of injury for both operation and maintenance crews. These safety risks can be mitigated and even prevented using Crane CDOS Technology.
Crane CDOS Solution
Can-Technologies Crane Digitalization & Operator Safety Solution (Crane CDOS) is designed to connect, monitor, analyze, log, notify, and report all aspects of crane’s operation.
Crane Digitalization and Operator Safety (CDOS) is for monitoring, feedback, audit trail, reporting, notification, trending, etc.
Using Crane CDOS application not only ensures a safe operation of overhead cranes but also improves maintenance diagnostics and productivity.
- Receiving feedback, storing and trending critical signals in iba or any historian enables supervisors to resolve crane issues proactively, reduce MTBF & MTTR and further improve safe operation of cranes.
Can-Technologies Crane CDOS provides manufacturing users with:
- Operation Digitalization
- Maintenance Diagnostic
- Operational Safety
It deploys variety of data from different sources such as:
- Electrical Relay Panels
- Equipment Specs (Bridge, Trolley, Hoists, etc.)
- Safety Limits
- Pre-Start Inspection Checklists
- Cycle Time for Switching Devices
- Signals from Electrical System
- Radio Frequency Signals and Limits
- Automation components
- Work Orders
- Databases
Safety Notifications
Crane CDOS generates the following notifications:
- Deficiency Notifications
- Critical Repair Notifications
- Safety Notifications
Safety Audits
Crane CDOS logs and tracks the followings:
- Log & Track Operational Activities
- Log & Track Deficiencies
- Log & Track Crane Runtime and Productivity
- Generate Operator Shift Report
- Send Critical Signals to iba