Top 5 benefits of improving your power system in 2022

October 7th, 2022 Electrical Design, Energy

If you’ve ever experienced power quality problems such as shutdowns, data errors, random lockups, and equipment trips or failures, you know how detrimental they can be to productivity, customer satisfaction, product quality, and the life of the equipment.

If those problems are happening, it’s probably time for improvements that will:

•    Extend equipment life

•    Minimize unplanned downtime

•    Increase performance

•    Retain customers

•    Help you achieve your overall performance and profitability goals

The good news is, implementing appropriate equipment, such as suppressors, active /passive harmonic filters and transformers, can prevent problems with your power quality.

First, Can-Technologies’ engineering professionals, backed by extensive domain and power system expertise, will complete a facility power quality audit and analysis. They’ll find any issues with your power infrastructure, identify root causes, and provide practical recommendations to protect your equipment and processes, and improve your net income.

Ready to solve those power quality problems for good and improve your productivity and bottom line? Contact Can-Technologies today.

T: +1.519-624-9166

M: +1.519-589-9295

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